





《天天向上》王一博跳拉丁是2016年5月13日。才艺展示环节,王一博合作拉丁舞小姐姐 一起带来了一段拉丁舞蹈,身穿黑色西装裤,外加白色小马甲,一招一式都充满了魅力。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Every day cloud time Wang Yibo speaks Henan dialect

"Everyday Cloud Time" Wang Yibo speaks Henan dialect is the February 23, 2020 issue. This issue of "Everyday Cloud Time" invited four village party secretaries. During the epidemic period, for the safety of the villagers, they shouted in the radio room every day, which raised the safety awareness of the villagers. Among them is a village party secretary from Henan who is a fellow of Wang Yibo. On the show, Henan Xiaowang imitated the content of the village party secretary's shouting. Xiao Wang's Henan dialect is a bit cute.

In the ninth episode of "Everyday Cloud Time", several village cadres who became popular on the Internet because of "loud loudspeakers to dissuade them from going out" connected live with Tiantian Brothers, Wang Han and Li Rui, and told everyone through video that they are fighting the epidemic Unforgettable stories that happened during the period.

It is very interesting that one of the guests invited this time is a village cadre in Henan. Wang Yibo among Tiantian Brothers is from Luoyang, Henan. As a fellow, Wang Yibo also showed off Henan dialect through video. Especially the sentence: "If I find ye talking in a crowd at the intersection again, I will get ye into the brigade", Wang Yibo himself was amused when he read it. After the shoutout, Henan village cadres also praised Wang Yibo, saying that his Henan dialect is very nice. Sure enough, the title of Henan Xiaowang is not for nothing.

How many times does Wang Yibo dance to Latin every day?

"Everyday Upward" Wang Yibo danced Latin on May 13, 2016. In the talent show session, Wang Yibo collaborated with the Latin dance lady to bring a Latin dance together. Wearing black suit pants and a white vest, every move was full of charm.