


2018年6月16日这一期《快乐大本营》节目,嘉宾邀请了NINE PERCENT的成员还有张杰,而小香芋还有其他的几位萌娃则作为嘉宾,观看哥哥们的表现,随后送上自己的爱心,在节目现场,小香芋毫不掩饰自己对张杰、谢娜的喜欢,一口一个哥哥姐姐的叫着,由此可见小香芋真的是一位情商很高的女娃娃。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Which issue of Happy Camp Little Taro

"Happy Camp" Xiao Xiangyu appeared on June 16, 2018 and July 7, 2018. Xiao Xiangyu, who was only 4 years old, appeared as a guest, and was loved by other guests because of his cute and cute appearance. Xiao Xiangyu himself is also good at singing and dancing, especially with a lot of cute little expressions, which left a deep impression on the audience on the stage of "Quick Book".

On June 16, 2018, in the "Happy Camp" program, the guests invited members of NINE PERCENT and Zhang Jie, Xiaoxiangyu and several other cute babies as guests to watch the performance of the brothers, and then send Showing her own love, Xiao Xiangyu made no secret of her love for Zhang Jie and Xie Na at the show, calling each other brother and sister, which shows that Xiao Xiangyu is really a girl with a high emotional intelligence.

On July 7, 2018, the guests of this issue of "Happy Camp" were the seven sons of Lehua and Wang Yibo. Xiao Xiangyu was the judge and Alalei and others cheered for the performance of the brothers. Xiao Xiangyu also made a lot of cute on the scene Wang Yibo will dance correspondingly according to Xiao Xiangyu's expression. Wang Yibo's dance is full of vigor and sweetness, and the two cooperate tacitly.

What is the first issue of the uniq combination of happy camp

"Happy Camp" uniq is the January 17, 2015 issue. Members of the Uniq group Wang Yibo, Jin Shengzhu, Cao Chengyan, Li Wenhan, Zhou Yixuan and their predecessors Zhou Bichang and Han Geng appeared together.