







【英文介绍/For English】:

What is the issue of Wang Yibo's Sparta in happy camp

"Happy Camp" Wang Yibo Sparta is the August 25, 2020 issue. In this episode of the program, Wang Yibo put an umbrella in front of him as a shield, and pretended to hold a weapon in his other hand. After he finished his posture, he yelled "Sparta". After speaking, the scene was very funny.

In the show, Wang Yibo performed a scene from a movie on the spot. This scene shows a warrior holding a shield in front of his face and holding a spear in the other hand. There was only one umbrella as a prop at the scene, so Wang Yibo opened it as a shield, pretending to be holding a spear in his hand, and when he called out "Sparta", everyone in the audience burst into laughter.

Wang Yibo did this several times on stage, which was in great contrast to the usually quiet "Cool Gai". Many netizens showed aunt smiles when they saw Wang Yibo like this, because Wang Yibo The childish side on stage is still rare. Afterwards, the program team mischievously put Wang Yibo's head on a picture of the original version.

I have to say that Wang Yibo's performance in "Happy Camp" was really good, he actively cooperated with everyone to play the game together, and also actively participated in it.

Which issue is it when Huang Minghao turns to hula hoop in Happy Camp?

"Happy Camp" Huang Minghao turns hula hoop is the issue on September 05, 2020. In this episode of the program, Huang Minghao walked around a rectangle while turning the hula hoop, and also named himself "Huwang".