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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Ordinary Glory" Sun Yiqiu graduated from high school with no background and strength. He used to do food delivery work all the time, but one day Sun Yiqiu's mother told him that he could go to Jinchen Capital to work. Sun Yiqiu couldn't believe that his poor family would There are such contacts, but he didn't get the truth he wanted to know. So why did "Ordinary Glory" Sun Yiqiu join the company? This question is also one of the things that netizens are most concerned about after the show was broadcast.

In the play, Sun Yiqiu's mother introduced Sun Yiqiu to work through people she knew. Sun Yiqiu can be said to be a "three-no intern", with no education, no connections, and no experience, but it is such an ordinary person who came to work at the most influential Jinchen Capital. Because this company had just finished recruiting interns, everyone came in after going through many tests. As a result, Sun Yiqiu didn't need interviews and assessments, so many interns in the company couldn't help talking.

It was the first time for Sun Yiqiu, who just arrived, to experience what it means to be in a hurry. He didn't know how to answer the leader's questions at all, which also made the company's interns more controversial about Sun Yiqiu. Although Sun Yiqiu made a big joke when he first came here, he did not give up. Instead, he worked harder to do these things. His hardworking appearance also made many colleagues change their views on him.

Sun Yiqiu's group is the fourth group, and the fourth group is the group of Wu Kezhi, the company's investment manager. Wu Kezhi is very dissatisfied with this forced Sun Yiqiu. He believes that such a "three-no intern" is incapable if he does not come in through formal channels, so although Sun Yiqiu's plan is well completed, he still has never looked at him directly.

But later, Wu Kezhi slowly discovered the advantages of this "three-no trainee". He began to pay attention to Sun Yiqiu, helped him solve some problems, and shared his experience with him. With Wu Kezhi's help, Sun Yiqiu's strength is getting stronger and stronger. From a novice at the beginning to a "veteran" who has taken charge of himself, only Sun Yiqiu knows the difficulties he has experienced.