







【英文介绍/For English】:

Hey Sing Turn Up Cecilia Cheung Sings Star Language Wish Which Issue

"Hey Sing and Turn Up" Cecilia Cheung sings "Star Language Wish" is the issue on December 20, 2019. In this episode of the show, Cecilia Cheung's arrival surprised many netizens. She also sang a classic song "Star Language Wish" for everyone on the spot.

In the show, Cecilia Cheung surprised all the guests and audiences as soon as she appeared on the stage. Her figure in a slim long skirt is more exquisite, and the years seem to favor her more, without leaving any marks on her face. When singing this song, Cecilia Cheung's demeanor is the same as before, and the feeling it brings to everyone is also the same as before. In an instant, the whole audience fell into the scene of that year.

Many audiences couldn't help shedding tears when they listened to Cecilia Cheung's performance. In the hearts of many netizens, Cecilia Cheung and Ren Xianqi's "Star Language Wish" is the best memory in many people's hearts. All the guests stood up Applause for the goddess in my heart. At the beginning, when no one knew who it was, everyone was looking forward to it, and they were all looking forward to the real her.

I have to say that when Cecilia Cheung sang this song again after many years, memories flooded into my heart instantly, as if I saw Yu Qiunan and Yang Xicong again.

Hey, let's turn it on, which episode is Lao Fan and Xie Na next door?

The twelfth issue of "Hey Singing and Turning" next door Lao Fan and Xie Na is on January 3, 2020. Lao Fan next door is a very talented musician and singer. After his song "I Zeng" was released, it quickly became popular all over the country. This time he will be on the stage of "Hey Sing and Turn", and the audience is looking forward to it.