






【英文介绍/For English】:

Youth travel notes Wang Kai Baiyu guess which issue to draw

"Youth Travels" Wang Kai Baiyu guessed that the painting is the twelfth episode of the first season, and the specific broadcast time is July 27, 2019. In this episode, everyone came to Lille, France, and the guests were Sha Yi and Yang Di , the interaction between them is very interesting, both of them are very stalking, which makes the audience laugh.

In this episode of the program, the youth tour group came to the Haute-France region of France known as the "Paris Royal Garden". This is also the last episode of the first season, which is of extraordinary significance. Two guests, Sha Yi and Yang Di, led the host team and divided them into two teams to compete. They had to play games to decide the winner. Among them, the game "Castle Comics" is the first time that Wang Kai turned into a "soul painter" and went online. He is full of enthusiasm and wants to paint for his team to win, but what is unexpected is that Wang Kai's teammates It was a bit embarrassing that no one recognized what he painted.

Afterwards, there is a "library picture frame", which is also very interesting. Wu Jinyan dressed up as Liang Shanbo, and Lin Yun became a super cute national treasure giant panda. Everyone dressed up as characters of different shapes. It looks very unique. Finally, they performed with their French friends at the Jean Villa Theater in Saint-Quentin, which perfectly closed the season.

The title of the song that Fan Chengcheng and Jiang Shuying danced in Youth Travel Notes

The title of the song Fan Chengcheng and Jiang Shuying danced in "Youth Travel Notes" is "Dancing Girl". In this episode of the show, Fan Chengcheng and Jiang Shuying danced impromptu on the spot. Netizens who saw this scene all joked that only the music of "Dancing Girl" can control it.