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【英文介绍/For English】:

In the TV series "Liu Li", Si Feng has always liked Xuanji, and silently guarded her, so why does Si Feng like Xuanji in "Liu Li"? Si Feng was the eldest disciple of Lize Palace and the son of the master of Lize Palace before he didn't know Xuanji at the beginning. He has a very calm and rational personality, and he looks calm to everyone, but Xuanji's appearance made him I lost my cool and my sanity.

In the play, Si Feng fell in love with Xuanji because only Xuanji's innocence can make him feel excited. As the eldest disciple of Lize Palace, Si Feng has always been calm and rational and alienated from others, but the scene where the two met at the beginning was very funny. Si Feng, who was new to the Central Plains, was not familiar with it, so when he spoke, he was a little bit Stuttering, at this time Si Feng met Xuanji, because Xuanji didn't understand anything, so she imitated Si Feng's speech. It was the first time Sifeng met such a person, and the fate between the two was thus formed.

After that, Xuanji went down the mountain, where Sifeng and Xuanji met again, and the two walked together. During the process, Sifeng found that she had fallen in love with this innocent girl who knew nothing about human relationships. On Xuanji's birthday, she accidentally learned that today is also Sifeng's birthday, so she ran over to give Sifeng a birthday cake. Every time Sifeng was in danger, Xuanji would arouse the power in her body to protect Sifeng. Become the God of War, Xuanji will also say some very touching words to Sifeng, these are things that Xuanji Buzeng has done to others.

So Si Feng gradually fell in love with her in the things that Xuanji had done, but Xuanji was always a heartless person, even if Xuanji had already fallen in love with Sifeng, she didn't know, so this also caused Sifeng to be alone. People are often silently angry.

Another strong opponent of Sifeng is Haochen. Haochen has always liked Xuanji, and after knowing that Sifeng also likes Xuanji, he often targets Sifeng, but Sifeng's whole heart is on Xuanji, so he doesn't care There will be experience to manage Haochen.