

This movie is really inspiring. It gave me the will to try and become someone in life. Moreover Lizz i.e Thora birch is really a good and best actress i've ever seen. I really do appreciate her. If i can have the copy of this movie, so that i can watch over and over again i would really be happy for it. Oh! The most interesting thing about this movie is that, it shows us about the street life... How they struggle for their life's.. So, what i want to point out is that we the people has also some work to do, so that people who are suffering can have the chance to enjoy their life. Therefore, this picture is also somewhat like a campaign for the people who do not have a good home to live in. Hence it is a great movie which gave us the new spirit to lighten our life's.


As we all kown,we can't choose our identity,mayge we was born in a poor family,but what we can do is try our best to get a better life by working hard on our job.Poverty also give our a strong will to challenge our fate.Let our fate be kept in our own hands!



Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩)
This movie tell us what are the most important things around world.They are life and cradit.Life is precious,in this movie the captain want to save Ryan's life.But the captain died at last.Before he died he told Ryan to be a good man.At the end of movie.Old Ryan walk to the captain's tombstone and ask his wife:"Am I a good man?"
We should protect our life keep it colorful.And we must be good men.We must be the honest!


Under the teacher`s asking,i have wached <风雨哈佛路>(抱歉英文名我不知道).This is a film filled with love and hardworking,which has impressed me a lot.(过去分词作定语+非限制性定语从句)
The major caracter-Lisa comes from a proo and helpless family.Without parents`protaction ,Lisa still says,"Try all my best as i can,and see,what happens?As her confident words,through her hardworking day and night,lisa gains her success at last .
What tells me a lesson it is that "Never give up!".(主语从句)whoever i am,the best way to sove the prodem is that "Help yourselp by yourselp".If i want to success , i need dream but to brave.(有do省to,没do带to)(最好把这篇作文只当作参考,因为我不确定语法是否都正确。而且欠连贯)




Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story is really inspiring. It gave me the will to try and become someone in life. Liz (Thora Birch) is really a good actress, I really do appreciate her. What I want to point out is that we the people has also some work to do, so that people who are suffering can have the chance to enjoy their life. Therefore, this picture is also somewhat like a campaign for the people who do not have a good home to live in. Hence it is a great movie which gave us the new spirit to lighten our life's.


《风雨哈佛路》这部电影我看了很受触动,女主人公利兹经历了常人不敢想象的成长道路,最终实现了梦想,走进了哈弗大学的殿堂. 她生活在一个非常不幸的家庭,父母酗酒,经常争吵,后来母亲又染上了毒瘾,生活几经崩溃.可她依旧不放弃.对生活充满感激. 人的命运是可以改变的,只要我们有梦,有行动,乐观的面对现实,最终我们一定可以实现梦想.有志者事竟成,三千越甲可吞吴.自强爱人,方可被人所爱所尊重,不要抱怨现在的不幸,要勇于面对,要勇于去改变,不经历风雨怎见彩虹,未流过血的手指怎能弹出世间之绝唱.我们的命运掌握在自己的手里,现在的不幸将是对我们最大的历练,相信自己,相信明天会更好. 风雨哈佛梦,坎坷人生路,用乐观、积极的生活态度和顽强不懈的意志诠释生命,绝不放弃,我们的梦就在前方,美好的明天等着我们去创造.无论现在怎样,请一定要相信通过努力,明天定会很好


This movie is very inspiring and heartwarming. The heroine Liz through the ordinary people can not imagine the growth of the road, she lived in a very poor family, parental alcoholism, drug addiction, often quarrel, 15 years old mother died of AIDS, the father into the shelter, life after the collapse. But she still did not give up, to appreciate life, beginning at age 17 with 2 years to learn to complete 4 years of high school curriculum, by virtue of their own efforts, finally realized the dream, into the Harvard University hall. I'm like the heroine of the film, like her unremitting self-improvement, the courage to fight the spirit. Man's fate can be changed, as long as we have a dream, there is action, optimistic in the face of reality, we can realize the dream. Don't complain now misfortune, to dare to face, to dare to change. To believe that the efforts will be fruitful, destiny in their own hands, tomorrow will be better.
I will help him.