




【英文介绍/For English】:

There are 42 episodes of "Kangxi Dynasty" reprimanding officials. In the TV series "Kangxi Dynasty", Kangxi was very angry in the court. He warned the officials not to form parties for their own selfish interests, but to perform their duties and keep themselves.

In the play, Kangxi denounced all civil and military officials in the imperial court. He denounced all officials for taking money and perverting the law for their own selfishness. a corruption. And Kangxi said that the worries of the Qing court were not outside, but among the ministers inside the Qing Dynasty.

And Kangxi thought of the four words "bright and upright", and he wanted to change the palace where he went to court every day into "bright and upright hall". One is to supervise the officials, stop being the "worms" of the court, and be the real pillar of the Qing Dynasty. After Kangxi ascended the throne, he was in dire straits all day long. After finally getting rid of Aobai's party, he faced a new crisis. It can be said that Kangxi has had endless things to deal with since he ascended the throne.

Many netizens couldn't help but say after seeing this passage in the play that every dynasty has loyal ministers who are the same inside and outside, and there are also "worms" who are the same in front of the face and behind the back.