

Lisa全名叫ลลิสา มโนบาล,中文名字叫拉莉莎‧马诺芭。Lisa是一位在韩国发展的泰国歌手,她的能力很强,可以说是唱跳能力俱佳全能型艺人。而Lisa凭借自己的高颜值还被网友评价为“人间芭比”。

Lisa在2013年出演过《RINGA LINGA》的MV,后来随着BLACKPINK发行的首张单曲专辑《SQUARE ONE》并正式以BLACKPINK成员身份出道。这个专辑在印尼,马来西亚,土耳其等十四个国家的专辑榜获得冠军。2019年Lisa还被评为亚太区最美面孔。




《青春有你2》lisa舞蹈视频在2020年03月12日这一期。Lisa的舞蹈能力非常的强,在《青春有你2》的时候表演了《In The Name Of Love》,非常的炸裂,引得台下的迷妹纷纷落泪。

【英文介绍/For English】:

what's lisa's full name

Lisa's full name is ลลิสา มโนบาล, and her Chinese name is Larisa Manoba. Lisa is a Thai singer developed in South Korea. She is very capable and can be said to be an all-round artist with excellent singing and dancing skills. And Lisa was rated as "Barbie in the world" by netizens because of her good looks.

Lisa starred in the MV of "RINGA LINGA" in 2013, and later released her first single album "SQUARE ONE" with BLACKPINK and officially debuted as a member of BLACKPINK. This album won the first place in the album charts of 14 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey. In 2019, Lisa was also named the most beautiful face in the Asia-Pacific region.

Lisa is the main dancer and rapper in BLACKPINK, and she is very strong. I have to say that everyone in BLACKPINK is very strong. Four hours after its release, the title song "WHISTLE" instantly became the top hit song on all music websites in Korea. This year, Lisa was invited to the stage of "Youth With You 2" as a dance teacher.

In the show, Lisa danced a dance for the trainees. On the stage, Lisa was full of aura, capable dance moves, handsome and seductive. Her dancing is very powerful and contagious. When teaching the trainees to dance, he also taught the trainees without reservation.

Youth with you lisa dancing video

"Youth with You 2" lisa dance video is in this issue on March 12, 2020. Lisa's dancing ability is very strong. She performed "In The Name Of Love" in "Youth With You 2", which was very explosive and caused the fans in the audience to cry.