







【英文介绍/For English】:

What episode is the Partridge Whistle Apprenticeship in Longling Miku Cave?

In "Longling Miku", the apprenticeship of the partridge whistle appeared in the seventh episode, and this was also imagined by Shirley Yang.

Partridge Whistle originally moved the mountains, but Master Liaochen was Captain Mojin. The two had nothing to do with each other, but Partridge Whistle wanted to find Muchen Bead, which was said to be buried in the In Heishui City. However, Heishui City was buried underground by wind and sand. To find Heishui City, you need to use Mojin Xiaowei's method of dividing gold and fixing acupoints. Master Liaochen was moved by Partridge Whistle's spirit of going through life and death for his people, and sympathized with what happened to this family, so he decided to accept him as his disciple.

But if he wants to join Captain Mojin, he still needs to accept the test. Master Liaochen gave Partridge Whistle a set of tools and told him to follow the rules of Captain Mojin. Partridge Whistle lived up to expectations and successfully completed the task. However, it takes a long time to get credit for Jinding acupoint technique, but Partridge Whistle is particularly anxious, so Master Liaochen can only go with Partridge Whistle.

On the road, they met Father Thomas from the United States and the three of them went together. Partridge Whistle learned the method of dividing gold and fixing acupoints from Master Chen while looking for Heishui City. Hard work paid off, and Partridge Whistle and others successfully found Heishui City.

Partridge whistle Longling maze ending

At the end of "Longling Misty Cave", Partridge Whistle broke an arm, and Master Liaochen also died inside. Partridge Whistle felt that there was no hope, and was persuaded by Father Thomas to go to the United States, where he ended his life. Earlier, Partridge Whistle took his juniors and sisters, as well as Chen Yulou, to Pingshan to look for Muchen Bead.