据哈哈娱乐网网站「萧萧慕雨」消息,近日,影最后孙俪看到了什么 影的结局解析和你想的结局一样吗引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Shadow" tells the story of an ancient stand-in, but the final ending makes people think about it. The audience is very curious about what Sun Li saw at the end of "Shadow"? As for the ending of "Shadow", the audience also has different opinions and disagrees. Was the last survivor Jing Zhou or Zi Yu? In fact, the ending of "Shadow" is still open-ended, but after reading the interview with Deng Chao and the director, we found that this ending is a bit interesting.

In the movie "Shadow", Sun Li played the heroine Xiao Ai, but at the end, Xiao Ai's stunned expression made people think about it. In fact, Xiao Ai knew the truth about the shadow through peeping, and she also knew that she and Jing Zhou's intimate actions were all seen by Zi Yu. Of course, Xiao Ai also saw the killing of those people. In the end, Jingzhou survived alone and walked out of the hall, but the direction of the story after leaving the hall still cannot avoid the killing, the intricate relationship between the shadow and the master, and the mutual use of power because of power.

In fact, from Xiao Ai's expression, we can also know that in that era, some people really could do anything for the sake of power. In fact, this also further elaborates on human nature from the side. In the ending, in fact, the person who survived should be Jingzhou, and the real governor of the Pei Kingdom, Zi Yu, has actually been killed by the double Jingzhou, and the direction of the story will be such a vicious circle.

Of course, the doubles in the film mainly talk about Jing Zhou and Zi Yu, but after Zi Yu walks out of the hall, he is likely to be killed by the real body of the dead person in the hall, after all, the theme of this film is the shadow double , so Xiao Ai may also show a surprised expression for this reason.

However, from Deng Chao's interview, we can know that Xiao Ai's final expression is probably a foreshadowing for "Shadow 2". After all, there is room for reverie, and the story can continue. And Sun Li also said that in the ending, Xiao Ai's shots were taken and analyzed many times before this ending was adopted. Everyone should understand the deep meaning in this!