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【英文介绍/For English】:

The relationship between Yu Xiaotong and Hailu has been attracting public attention since it was made public. The two have been in love for several years and have been frequently reported to break up. What is going on? Is it really a communication barrier caused by the age difference? How old is Yu Xiaotong's sea and land difference? Many people are very curious. What is the current situation of this relationship that has not been favored since it was made public? Have the two really broken up or are they already sweet?

Hailu, Yu Xiaotong

Yu Xiaotong and Hailu are both well-known in the circle. Yu Xiaotong is famous for playing the young Jia Baoyu in the new version of "Dream of Red Mansions". Before that, he played the role of the young Mei Lanfang in the movie "Mei Lanfang" directed by Chen Kaige. Xiaotong's popularity has soared in the entertainment circle because of her wonderful interpretation of these characters.

Hai Lu graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy and is a student of the acting department. She is well-known to the public for her role as Ziwei in the new version of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge". Although many people complained that Hailu's looks and lines in the play are very shocking, but Hailu in life is very fresh and cute, and has won the likes of many people.

Hailu, Yu Xiaotong

These two seemingly unrelated people were exposed to be in love, which many people did not expect. After the photos of Yu Xiaotong visiting Hailu and Hailu who spent four days and three nights together came out, many people did not believe it. However, the two later admitted their relationship and made it public on Weibo, which made people have to believe this fact.

Many people are not optimistic about this pair of siblings, because there is a full 10-year age difference between Yu Xiaotong and Hailu. Many netizens said that the communication between them will become a big problem in the future. Now that several years have passed, from the beginning of the big show of affection to now, the two have almost zero interaction. Could it be that the two really broke up? Everyone is very curious.

Yu Xiaotong, Hailu

It is reported that the two of them have been on and off in the past few years, but it is not clear whether they are still together now. However, Yu Xiaotong posted a text on Weibo before, implying that Hailu was sensitive and had a bad temper. After this Weibo was sent, Yu Xiaotong was also attacked by many netizens, thinking that it was because he, as a boyfriend, didn’t behave well. For Hailu, Hailu is so insecure! The emotional state of the two is a mystery, and Yu Xiaotong Hailu did not respond positively to this matter. It seems that I want to know whether the two of them have broken up, and I have to wait for a while!