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【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Love in the South Pole" is a very romantic love story. In the play, Wu Fuchun and Jing Ruyi accidentally crashed in the South Pole, and the two embarked on a 75-day adventure. What is the ending of "Love in the South Pole" has attracted audiences. Many audiences are curious whether the heroine Jing Ruyi is dead or not? In fact, different people have different understandings. The ending of the story can be a tragedy or a comedy. It depends on what kind of ending the audience wants!

"Love in Antarctica" does not have a real story prototype, but this movie is based on the novel "Love in Antarctica", and the author of this novel is Wu Youyin, who is also the director of this movie. In fact, there are of course unreasonable things in the film, but the theme of this film is to show everyone pure love. This kind of love transcends identity and status. After watching the film, many viewers said that they believe in love again up.

The ending of "Love in the South Pole" is open-ended, and the director also said so, and whether the heroine ends up dead or not depends on what kind of ending the audience wants. However, the author believes that the heroine died in the end. After all, in a relationship, happiness does not mean happiness. Many movies now use tragic methods to make more people remember this story.

Wu Fuchun, played by Zhao Youting, found the dead heroine in the ending, but when the two were watching the aurora, the heroine Jing Ruyi seemed to have opened her eyes. In fact, this was an illusion. When the two were watching the aurora, an appearance appeared in the aurora There is also a legend about the aurora, that is, the whale in the aurora is the soul of a dead person, so the heroine Ruyi died in the end.

However, the vitality of whales is much stronger than that of other creatures, which actually implies that the heroine also hopes that her vitality will become stronger. However, in the dangerous environment of the polar region, even if there is a life like a whale, it is difficult to escape death. After all, the environment here is harsh, the temperature is so low, and she has survived for so many days, she really has no strength to continue down!