本篇文章给大家谈谈这就是命结局杀手死了吗 这就是命中杀手扮演者是韩国人,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。








【英文介绍/For English】:

"This Is Fate" is a comedy, from the title we can draw this conclusion: it is a blessing, not a disaster, and it is a disaster that cannot be avoided. After the hero Meng Dawei was misdiagnosed with cancer, he thought of hiring a killer to kill himself, and then defrauded the insurance to leave a sum of money for his wife, but what he didn't expect was that he never died by mistake, but the killer's fate made him die. Unexpectedly, is the ending killer dead in "This Is Fate"? Finally, the killer's words let us understand that he is actually a good man!

In "This Is Destiny", the killer hired by David Meng finally died in a car accident. At that time, Meng Dawei knew that he had been misdiagnosed and his wife was pregnant. Of course he didn't want to die. In the end, he went to make a deal with the boss of the gangster and was almost killed. Finally, the killer hired by Meng Dawei appeared and drove the car of the gangster's second brother. Overturned, and the killer died as a result.

When the killer died, he asked Meng Dawei to inherit his will, which was to help poor families, so it seems that the killer is still a good person. In the end, David Meng and his wife started a new life, and of course they did not forget what the killer had entrusted to him.

Meng Dawei's thrilling experience in Thailand made him almost escaped danger, but he also understood the preciousness of life. Sure enough, David Meng's fate fits perfectly with the title of the movie. His fate is to live for a long time, so even if he is misdiagnosed, even if he hires a killer to kill himself, even if he is chased by a gang boss, he will not die. He is indeed a blessing. Big life!

However, this killer is a bit sad. He was obviously a professional killer, and he was going to kill others. Unexpectedly, he ruined his own life by accident. Well, one bad luck!

Many viewers think this killer is a bit handsome. It is reported that the actor who plays the killer is Kim Sung Joo, a Korean actor who was born on February 16, 1994. Kim Sung Joo debuted on September 17, 2014 through the boy group "UNIQ".

After 2016, Jin Shengzhu began to develop in China. He successively starred in the TV series "Wonderful Time Journey" and the movies "Dream Partner" and "This Is Destiny".