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【英文介绍/For English】:

In the TV series "So You're Still Here", Cheng Zheng was attracted to Su Yunjin the first time he met her in high school. To attract Su Yunjin's attention, he came up with various tricks, but was misunderstood by Su Yunjin that Cheng Zheng hated her. The relationship between the two has always been very embarrassing, and it finally eased a little because Cheng Zheng gave Su Yunjin extra lessons, but being misunderstood by the class teacher for their puppy love brought the relationship between the two to a freezing point. Cheng Zheng loves Yunjin deeply, and managed to catch up with Su Yunjin after college, but why did the two break up later? In the ending, will the two reconcile and be together again?


In the play, Cheng Zheng fell in love with Su Yunjin at first sight when he was in high school, and he tried various tricks to attract Su Yunjin's attention, but because of the wrong method, Su Yunjin thought that Cheng Zheng hated her and distanced herself further from Cheng Zheng. Finally, the distance that was shortened by making up lessons became even more distant due to the misunderstanding of the head teacher. Later, Su Yunjin did not abide by the agreement with Cheng Zheng to take the university entrance examination in Beijing, which made Cheng Zheng sullen with Su Yunjin after college. It was not until Zhou Ziyi and others assisted that the relationship between the two gradually eased.


Cheng Zheng couldn't hold back his longing for Su Yunjin, so he transferred to Su Yunjin's school. With his sincerity and persistence, he finally touched Su Yunjin's heart. The two of them get along very sweetly and affectionately after being together.

But the good times didn't last long. After graduating from university, both of them started to step into the society. In order to prove that she worked very hard every day, Su Yunjin gradually ignored Cheng Zheng's feelings, and the contradiction between Cheng Zheng and Su Yunjin also emerged. . Cheng Zheng wanted Su Yunjin to prove that she loved him all the time, and Su Yunjin was very restrained because of her childhood experience. Deep in Su Yunjin's heart, she was very afraid that the two of them would break up in the end, so she didn't dare to invest too much affection, but in Su Yunjin's In his heart, he deeply loves Cheng Zheng.


The two quarreled more and more, and finally they broke up. After the breakup, Su Yunjin found out that she was pregnant with Cheng Zheng's child. Just when Su Yunjin wanted to tell Cheng Zheng the good news, she had an accidental miscarriage. There was a deep rift in the relationship between the two people that had been misunderstood.

After that, Cheng Zheng and Su Yunjin never dared to face each other, dared not face up to the feelings in their hearts. Many people wondered whether the two would be together again in the ending? It is reported that at the end of the play, Su Yunjin and Cheng Zheng reconciled again. After a long time after the two separated, they discovered that they loved each other the most in their hearts. The two people who were more mature in their hearts decided to get together again. This time, the two decided to face each other. For all problems that may arise in the future.