据哈哈娱乐网网站「独特风格」消息,近日,演员于适个人资料简介 于适为了封神两年没剪头发引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

Yu Shi's performance in the movie "Fengshen No. 1" is very wonderful. He plays Ji Fa, a very important role in the film. His life experience runs through the whole film, which arouses the audience's great curiosity about the actor Yu Shi. What is the information like? It is understood that Yu Shi did not cut his hair for two years in order to film the "Fengshen" trilogy, which shows that he attaches great importance to this role and takes this movie seriously.

Yu Shi is a rookie actor with a non-graduate background. He entered the Fengshen Performing Arts Training Camp with the purpose of learning, and was lucky to meet the role of Ji Fa. Wu Ershan, the director of "Fengshen", created a proton brigade headed by Ji Fa, which mainly revolves around Ji Fa's growth path, which is one of the most critical main lines in the trilogy.

Ji Fa is the smartest and bravest of all the protons. He admired Yin Shou very much when he was young. However, what Yin Shou did made Ji Fa very puzzled. He chose to disobey orders for the first time and search for the truth by himself. It shows that Ji Fa is not blindly worshiping, he has his own ideas.

When Wu Ershan selected the cast, he mentioned that the actor who plays Ji Fa should be young, resolute and masculine, with solid acting skills coming second. The Fengshen Trilogy takes two years from actor training to filming. In order to improve the quality of the film, the crew created the Fengshen Performing Arts Training Camp and began recruiting in 2017.

Yu Shi stood out from many actors and got the role of Ji Fa, and then he went through a long period of closed training. He had to learn skills such as equestrianism, riding and archery, etiquette and martial arts. In addition, the overall image should be well managed. Yu Shi In order to cater to the characters, I kept my hair for two years.

Yu Shi was born in 1996 and graduated from Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology. He entered the showbiz in 2019 and starred in "The King of the Sky" and "My Altay". His works are not many, but "Feng Shen Part I" After the release of ", Yu Shi has gained a lot of fans. I believe that he has improved his acting skills a lot through making this movie. This is not bad for his acting career. There will be more excellent film and television works in the future.