


杨子姗虽然现在是演员,但是她出道的身份其实是歌手,杨子姗出道很早,她属于大器晚成的女演员,在2005年她凭借歌曲《Baby Baby》出道,后来发行过唱片,在2008年后,她才进军演艺圈!





【英文介绍/For English】:

Where is Yang Zishan from?

Yang Zishan is from Nanjing. Yang Zishan is a talented actor born in 1985. She became popular with Zheng Wei in the movie "To Our Dying Youth" and won many movie awards. After that, she let the audience see her acting skills through the movie "Back to 20".

Although Yang Zishan is an actor now, her debut identity is actually a singer. Yang Zishan made her debut very early. She is a late blooming actress. She made her debut with the song "Baby Baby" in 2005 and later released a record. After 2008, she Just entered the showbiz!

Yang Zishan has her own unique acting style, and she is very recognizable. Yang Zishan has a wide range of dramas. She can act in urban dramas and spy war dramas. Every work of Yang Zishan challenges her acting skills! From Zheng Wei, who is lively and dares to chase after love, to the grandmother in the movie "Back to Twenty", it is precisely because Yang Zishan dares to challenge herself that she can bring so many surprises to the audience.

In 2018, the TV series "So You Are Still Here" starring her also won praise from many audiences, and many audiences are looking forward to more wonderful works of Yang Zishan!

What is the relationship between Zhao Wei and Yang Zishan

Yang Zishan and Zhao Wei often cooperate, and Yang Zishan was once called "Zhao Wei's successor" by netizens. Faced with the situation of the two, netizens are very interested in the relationship between Zhao Wei and Yang Zishan for a while. Why does Zhao Wei praise Yang Zishan so much?