

陈宥维的读音是chén yòu wéi,在娱乐圈中新陈更替非常快,经常会有这样那样的小鲜肉蹦出来,给娱乐圈注入新的血液,不过有新的进来就会有旧的被换掉,所以能够在娱乐圈立足的只有有实力的人,而陈宥维就是其中一位。





【英文介绍/For English】:

How to pronounce Chen Youwei

Chen Youwei's pronunciation is chén yòu wéi. In the entertainment circle, new ones are replaced very quickly. There will often be such and such small fresh meat popping up, injecting new blood into the entertainment circle, but when new ones come in, the old ones will be replaced Therefore, only capable people can gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, and Chen Youwei is one of them.

Chen Youwei has his own characteristics and is highly recognizable, which leaves a deeper impression on the audience. Moreover, Chen Youwei has now appeared in many film and television dramas. Although it is not a particularly important role, his performance is not bad. There is no pressure even if you are on the same stage with the old actors, so Chen Youwei is a star with great potential in the entertainment circle.

Liu Shang, who he played in "The Eternal Love 2", was well received, and his limelight even surpassed that of the protagonist Mo Liancheng. In "Story of Yanxi Palace", Chen Youwei also played the fifth elder brother. Although his role was small, his performance But deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Chen Youwei is not only capable and willing to work hard, but also humble and friendly. I believe he will have a good development in the future.

Who does Chen Youwei play in Story of Yanxi Palace

Chen Youwei played the fifth elder brother in "Strategy of Yanxi Palace". Although Chen Youwei has just emerged in the entertainment circle, his handsome appearance has already attracted many fans for him. Although there are many big names in "Story of Yanxi Palace", although Chen Youwei is a newcomer, he is not inferior, and his performance is still shining and impressive.