






【英文介绍/For English】:

I'm not the God of medicine

In "I'm Not the God of Medicine", Cheng Yong, played by Xu Zheng, was finally sentenced for selling fake drugs, but he got a lot of pleas from his patients, so Cheng Yong finally got a commutation of his sentence. After he was released from prison, Cheng Yong learned that Glenin had now been included in the With medical insurance, no one can afford medicine anymore. Cheng Yong is very pleased with this result, and the story has a happy ending.

This movie caused a sensation in the circle of friends when it was released. Because it is adapted from real events, the content of the story is more touching. In the movie, Cheng Yong is just a small character, but his changes and growth are deeply felt. to his greatness. It is precisely because the movie starts from the perspective of ordinary people that the audience can feel empathy.

Although the two important figures Lu Yiyi and Huang Mao both died in the end, it was regrettable, but it was their deaths that sublimated Cheng Yong's spirit and heart time and time again, and made him decide to risk his life even if he risked it. The risk of prison is also to save leukemia patients. This movie can be said to be one of the works of conscience in 2018. He gave many audiences a new perception and understanding of life and life.

I'm not the medicine god with yellow hair ending

At the end of "I'm Not the God of Medicine", Huang Mao died in a car accident. At that time, Huang Mao was driving a drug-filled car to cover Cheng Yong to distract the police, and died in a car accident during the police arrest. Before Huangmao died, he was ready to go home. He cut his hair and bought a bus ticket and was just about to go home, but it happened too suddenly, Huangmao just left everyone.