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【英文介绍/For English】:

In the TV series "Knowing whether it should be green, fat, red and thin", although Sheng Molan is a concubine, but because her biological mother Lin Xiaoniang is very favored by the lord, she lives very well in the Sheng family, and has a good relationship with Sheng Minglan, who is also a concubine. Not a small gap. When she was studying in a private school, Sheng Molan had always been secretly in love with her little father-in-law, Qi Heng. For this reason, Molan hated Minglan very much and always wanted to frame her. Many viewers want to know what is the ending of "Knowledge" Ming Lan; although Mo Lan looks weak, she is a scheming person like her biological mother Lin Xiaoniang in her heart, so in the end she can get her wish and marry the one she likes Qi Heng?

Many people who have read the original work know that Sheng Molan did not marry Qi Heng in the end. Although Sheng Molan liked Qi Heng at the beginning of the plot, but later she fell in love with Liang Han. Sheng Molan finally married Liang Han, but the two of them did not live happily. Liang Han took a lot of effort to marry a bunch of concubines and came back. Sheng Molan spent every day dealing with Liang Han and his bunch of concubines, exhausting his mind.

Sheng Molan grew up beside her biological mother, Lin Xiaoniang, and learned from Lin Xiaoniang the skills of fighting openly and secretly in the inner house. Mo Lan fell in love with the handsome young man when he was studying in a private school, but after knowing that the young man liked his younger sister Ming Lan, he always framed her again and again, trying to destroy her in the young man's heart. good impression.

Sheng Molan used many methods and means to get Qi Heng's attention, but even in this way, Qi Heng didn't like Sheng Molan. Knowing that there was no hope between herself and Qi Heng, Sheng Molan changed her target and focused on the suave Liang Han. Everyone knows Liang Han's flirtatiousness. He doesn't have any special feelings for Sheng Molan, but Sheng Molan insists on marrying him. Relying on the love of his parents, he even asks Sheng Hong to match him.

Not only did Liang Han have no feelings for Sheng Molan, but Liang Han's mother also hated Sheng Molan very much. Seeing that the marriage was about to fail, Sheng Molan deliberately rolled off the carriage on Liang Han's way to Shangxiang, and asked Liang Han to carry him home. Sheng Molan had such close contact with a foreigner before she came out of the cabinet, causing Molan to be talked about by people. Finally, under pressure, Liang Han had to marry Sheng Molan.

Although Mo Lan married Liang Han as she wished, Sheng Hong no longer doted on her because of her damaged reputation. There is no advantage at all in the family, and there is no status in the family, and life is very unsatisfactory.