






【英文介绍/For English】:

ex 3 ending

In the ending of "Predecessor 3", Meng Yun and Lin Jia did not reconcile, and both of them had their own different lives. Lin Jia married a department manager and had a cute baby. The two finally gave up their previous relationship That relationship, no longer trying to be strong and no longer winning or losing, just like many couples who broke up in reality drifted away.

Although the movie did not use the plot to tell the audience how much they love each other at the beginning, but in the process of their quarrel, it can make people deeply feel that they have loved deeply, just like the couple who broke up in life, love each other All the good things during the time were ignored by myself, and only after separation would I slowly recall the bits and pieces about each other.

But the reason why a relationship will end is that there is incompatibility between each other. Sometimes they will break up if they don't get along well, and they can be together forever after they get along. Lin Jia and Meng Yun did not go through such a running-in period. They cared too much about themselves in their relationship and forgot to tolerate and give in, so they separated completely in the end.

Predecessor 3 plot details

"Predecessor 3: Goodbye to the Ex" is a very realistic romance film, which shows the different endings of the two relationships through the different choices of the two breakup couples. What is the detailed plot of "Predecessor 3"? This is a love movie, but it tells us a very profound truth, we can sum it up from the different endings of Meng Yun and Yu Fei!