


长的像就是一种奇妙的缘分了,而这两人还很相处的来,他们之间相差八岁,因为长的太像了所以不少人也调侃他们是失散多年的 父子,两人同框竟然真有些让人分不清楚谁是谁。不过雪村的头发比较短,而赵英俊留着一头茂密有个性的长发,根据这一点区分还是很明显的。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Zhao Yingjun Xuecun

Zhao Yingjun is not Xuecun. The two do have some similarities in appearance, but they are not the same person. They were both born in the Northeast, and they are also music producers and actors. This is also a rare fate in the world. Zhao Yingjun also recognized the fact that he looks like Xuecun, and the two even participated in entertainment shows together.

The resemblance is a kind of wonderful fate, and these two people get along very well. There is an eight-year age difference between them. Because they look so similar, many people also ridicule them as father and son who have been separated for many years. The box is really a bit confusing to tell who is who. However, Xuecun's hair is relatively short, while Zhao Yingjun has thick and long hair with personality. Based on this point, the distinction is still obvious.

They are not like other face bumping stars. There are many stars who will not meet people who bump into faces to avoid embarrassment. On the contrary, Zhao Yingjun and Xuecun are interested in getting to know each other because of bumping faces. They still have a lot of photos together. It really looks like a pair of twins. I hope that the two can cherish this hard-won fate and maintain a good friend relationship.

Is Zhao Yingjun's wife Chen Sisi?

Zhao Yingjun's wife is not Chen Sisi, because in a variety show, Zhao Yingjun's public proposal made many viewers misunderstand, and some viewers were even moved to tears. In fact, the surprise scene of the sweet interaction between the two is just the effect of the show. In private, they are friends, not a couple in love.