据哈哈娱乐网网站「︶ ̄ゞ贪恋」消息,近日,崔老师事件怎么回事?崔老师事件是指崔永元爆料的有关于娱乐圈中阴阳合同的事引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。




【英文介绍/For English】:

The Teacher Cui incident refers to the turmoil caused by Cui Yongyuan’s revelations about the yin-yang contract in the entertainment industry. When Cui Yongyuan was the host, he was famous for his courage to speak and act. He is a very upright person, no matter what the phenomenon is Dare to break the news and is very responsible, but it is precisely because of this outspokenness that Cui Yongyuan offended many people, so that he has retired from the entertainment circle now.

Cui Yongyuan and Feng Xiaogang once had conflicts because of the movie "Mobile Phone". Many years ago, there were conflicts between the two that could not be resolved, but as time went by, everything was diluted, and there was no further conflict between them. What a disturbance. But then Feng Xiaogang suddenly wanted to shoot "Mobile Phone 2", which made Cui Yongyuan unable to sit still. The two had a dispute because of this movie. Feng Xiaogang is now going to shoot the second one, which will naturally cause Cui Yongyuan.

Cui Yongyuan, Feng Xiaogang and some actors in "Mobile Phone 2" began to fight each other on Weibo. Later, Cui Yongyuan broke the news about the chaos of yin and yang contracts in the entertainment industry, which affected many big-name stars and caused this disturbance. The city is full of wind and rain, and the heat still has not subsided.