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【英文介绍/For English】:

Recently, Shen Teng posted a message on Weibo calling for netizens to live longer than his P. The picture shows Shen Teng sitting on a chair and sleeping when participating in a certain program. I have devoted my whole life to Uncle Shen and handed over a sincere answer sheet. Of all the pictures of "longevity", which one is Uncle Shen more satisfied with?

Shen Teng is well-known to the audience on the stage of "Happy Twist", and the 2012 Spring Festival Gala made Shen Teng popular all over the country, and he was on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for five consecutive years. He won the audience with his humorous language and lively and cheerful personality their favourites. In the "Happy Comedian Season 1" held by Dragon TV, he won the national championship among many powerful players. After that, he devoted himself to movies and achieved good results.

Whether it is Charlotte in "Charlotte's Annoyance", Wang Duoyu in "The Richest Man in Xihong City", or Zhang Chi in "Flying Life" released this year's Lunar New Year, Shen Teng uses his unique humor to interpret Each character, each character is endowed with a different soul. It can be said that each of Shen Teng's movies makes people laugh while also allowing people to gain some life gains.

Shen Teng has a good popularity in the entertainment industry because of his humorous and cheerful personality. He has a good personal relationship with Jia Ling, Yue Yunpeng, Huang Bo, etc. He is also called by netizens because of various jokes on variety shows. Joking, but this time, Uncle Shen took the initiative to make a request to the netizens, hoping to make him live longer. The original photo is that our lovely Uncle Shen fell asleep on the chair. When seeing this request, the enthusiasm of the netizens He was mobilized and said that he must meet Uncle Shen's request. Netizens exhausted their prehistoric efforts and used what they had learned all their life to finally fulfill Uncle Shen's request. Some of the photos posted by netizens were painted on Shen Teng's body. A tortoise, and some directly put the word "longevity" on it, and some netizens even simply put Shen Teng as a birthday star, isn't it just "longevity", I just don't know which one our uncle Shen is more satisfied with?

Uncle Shen is really naughty, he will never return on the road of being funny, and finally hope that Shen Teng can bring us more joy.