
魏坤琳是科学家。他曾经做过一次演讲,题目叫《Scientists Are Outliers》。在《Scientists Are Outliers》中,魏坤琳说:“我觉得好多人都不理解我。因为他们老是问我,哎,Dr.魏你怎么不出来参加出席商业活动活动呢,除了可以收到很多钱,还可以看到很多明星。我说我是做科研的,真的是没时间。”

魏坤琳先后毕业于北京体育大学、美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,现任北京大学心理学系教授、博导。一直以来,他的名言都是“科学是我评判的唯一标准。”神经科学领域的top期刊《Journal of Neuroscience》上,魏坤琳曾经发表过高水平论文。

《Scientists Are Outliers》中,魏坤琳观点鲜明,重新定义科学家。他表示:“科学家的严格定义是靠科研来吃饭的人,这就导致电视台说我是科学家时,我被被骂惨了。比如有人说,你又不是什么科学大家,你又没拿什么奖,你又不是袁隆平,你好意思称自己是科学家吗?所以我现在定义一下,我说的科学家是以科研吃饭的人,而且今天我讲的主要是自然科学家。”

【英文介绍/For English】:

Wei Kunlin is a scientist. He once gave a speech titled "Scientists Are Outliers". In "Scientists Are Outliers", Wei Kunlin said: "I think many people don't understand me. Because they always ask me, hey, Dr. Wei, why don't you come out to participate in commercial activities, in addition to receiving a lot of money , You can also see many stars. I said that I am doing scientific research, and I really don’t have time.”

Wei Kunlin graduated from Beijing Sport University and Pennsylvania State University successively. She is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Psychology of Peking University. For a long time, his famous saying is "Science is the only criterion for my judgment." In the top journal "Journal of Neuroscience" in the field of neuroscience, Wei Kunlin once published high-level papers.

In "Scientists Are Outliers", Wei Kunlin has a clear view and redefines scientists. He said: "The strict definition of a scientist is a person who relies on scientific research to make a living. This caused me to be scolded miserably when the TV station said I was a scientist. For example, someone said, you are not a great scientist, and you have not won any awards." , you are not Yuan Longping, do you have the nerve to call yourself a scientist? So let me define it now, the scientist I am talking about is a person who earns his living by scientific research, and today I am mainly talking about natural scientists.”