很多朋友对于郭麒麟怎么瘦下来的 少班主的减肥蜕变之路和不太懂,今天就由小编温柔的放肆来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!






【英文介绍/For English】:

In recent years, there has suddenly been a trend of listening to cross talk, especially the "Deyun Club" led by Guo Degang, which can fascinate many female audiences. Among them, the audience likes Guo Degang's eldest son, Deyun Club very much. Guo Qilin, the young leader of Yunshe, don’t look at the current Guo Qilin, who is handsome and cute. When he was a teenager, Guo Qilin was a veritable chubby man. He suddenly lost weight in the past few years. Let’s talk about how the young leader successfully lost weight. Let's transform into the "responsible for appearance" of Deyun Club.

Guo Qilin is the eldest son of cross talk master Guo Degang. He became very interested in cross talk under the influence of his father Guo Degang since he was a child. He dropped out of school before graduating from junior high school. He used this incident to tease Guo Qilin during a performance. At that time, Guo Qilin was not as thin as he is now. At that time, he weighed almost two hundred catties, and his whole body was chubby. He was very similar to his father Guo Degang, and he had a general belly at a young age.

You must know that such a fat person is prone to suffer from the "three highs". Guo Qilin may be afraid of getting sick, so he made up his mind to start losing weight. Anyone who has lost weight knows that this weight is not easy to lose. You have to persevere, not afraid of tiredness, not afraid of hardship , and as long as you give up halfway, then you have failed. For five years, after five or six times of weight loss, Guo Qilin finally succeeded in losing weight. Guo Qilin, who successfully lost weight, is handsome and handsome. The attention of a group of female audiences is called the "responsibility of appearance" of Deyun Society.

Guo Degang also deliberately posted on Weibo to show off Guo Qilin, who has successfully lost weight, and Guo Qilin who has lost weight seems to be hanging out. He has been on the cover of fashion magazines many times and has a group of loyal fans. I remember Guo Degang and Guo Qilin once When performing on the same stage, Guo Degang hoped that Guo Qilin could find a girlfriend. The female fans who loved Guo Qilin couldn't sit still. They called Guo Degang his father one after another, which made the scene laugh out loud.

It is said that losing weight is comparable to plastic surgery. This sentence is vividly reflected in Guo Qilin. Guo Qilin who lost weight not only gained a large number of fans, but also achieved good results in the field of cross talk. I wish Guo Qilin's career will be more and more prosperous in the future Well, find your own happiness as soon as possible.