




何猷君是赌王和四太的三儿子,他出生于1995年。何猷君也是高材生,他毕业于麻省理工学院。现在,何猷君是澳门电子竞技总会会长 ,也是V5电子竞技俱乐部的创始人,可谓是青年才俊。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Where did He Youjun propose

The place where He Youjun proposed to Xi Mengyao was at Shangjia Center in Shanghai. It is reported that this is He Youjun's own property, and this place is also the place where the two people's love began. It can be said that He Youjun chose the location of the proposal very carefully. The layout of the proposal scene was very romantic, all pink, and 99,999 roses were arranged on the scene.

He Youjun proposed to Xi Mengyao on the evening of May 13, 2019. He Youjun knelt down on one knee and confessed to Xi Mengyao. Xi Mengyao was very moved. Finally He Youjun asked Xi Mengyao: Do ​​you think we can be together forever? Xi Mengyao nodded, and the two kissed happily.

It is reported that at the scene of He Youjun's marriage proposal, many celebrities came to help out. It can be said that this marriage proposal ceremony is very high-profile, and the scene decoration is also very girlish. The VCR of blessings recorded by the stars was also played on the spot.

He Youjun is the third son of the gambling king and the fourth wife. He was born in 1995. He Youjun is also a top student, he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Now, He Youjun is the president of the Macau E-sports Association and the founder of the V5 E-sports club. He is a young talent.

What is the name of the show Xi Mengyao and He Youjun participated in together?

The show Xi Mengyao and He Youjun participated in is called "Time Lag of Love". This sentence made many people suspect the relationship between the two.