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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Long Lovesickness" starring Yang Zi has gained a lot of attention, and the topic is also the highest among the works of the same period. Everyone is looking forward to seeing "Long Lovesickness" starring in "Hello, Saturday". No, the TV series has not finished yet. Come to "Hello, Saturday" to promote.

The program broadcast on 20230802 is a special project of "Long Lovesickness". Several leading actors are invited. Yang Zi, as the heroine of "Long Lovesickness", will definitely participate. In addition to her, there are also Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Wang Hongyi and Tan Jian Ci, this is the first time the crew of "Sauvignon Blanc" has collectively appeared on a variety show.

Yang Zi is "Princess Xiaoyao". She led four guards against the team of "Princess Xueling" Li Xueqin. The method was not announced in advance, and with a sense of mystery, the four guards of their respective teams took great pains to protect the princess.

The two teams were full of gunpowder. Tan Jianci defeated Qin Xiaoxian by flipping his tongue 180 degrees. Zhang Wanyi and Wang Hedi had a push-up competition.

There is an "honest" duel between the princess and the guards. The person being questioned has to connect to a lie detector and use his heartbeat to determine whether the person is lying. If he is lying, another person in the same team has to accept punishment. This The game is very funny and full of highlights. Qin Xiaoxian also played tricks and put a lie detector on Wang Hedi's hand. In this way, no matter what he said, the lie detector would not respond. In the end, the conspicuous Bao brothers were arrested packaged.

There are also two links of heart-to-heart and tacit understanding of dancing. The two teams had a lot of fun. Yang Zi took care of others in the show. It can be seen that she has participated in many variety shows and has seen the world. , The ratings of this episode are very high, and most people are chasing "Long Lovesickness". The emotional drama between Yang Zi and the four male protagonists is very exciting.