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做自己的光 》何欢准备去采访陈心远的途中发现路边有一辆车发生车祸,她们为了救援耽误了时间,陈心远没有听她们解释,认为何欢团队不守时。


【英文介绍/For English】:

"Be Your Own Light" He Huan was going to interview Chen Xinyuan on the way and found a car accident on the side of the road. They delayed the rescue. Chen Xinyuan didn't listen to their explanation, thinking that He Huan's team was not punctual.

Chen Xinyuan's team replied to their email, saying that they are willing to accept an interview with "Star Bookstore". He Huan was very happy, and immediately asked Ye Zi and the others to arrange work and release a trailer. On the same day, they analyzed Chen Xinyuan's data and went through the interview outline. Before going to the interview the next day, He Huan was full of excitement when he saw the trailer of Mr. Chen Xinyuan's live broadcast as a guest at a new high. On the way, the number of fans directly exceeded 500,000, and the traffic of the trailer exceeded 5 million. Everyone was very excited. But at this moment, they found that there was a car accident on the side of the road. It was important to save people. He Huan and his subordinates rescued the injured. A female driver behind him recorded the scene of He Huan's team saving people with a mobile phone. Because of this episode, He Huan and the others wasted time, and when they arrived at the hotel where Chen Xinyuan was staying, Chen Xinyuan was unwilling to cooperate with them again.