

在《少年派》中,邓小琪妈妈的扮演者是黄曼,黄曼是80后女演员,1980年出生于陕西西安,她毕业于北京电影学院,现在是星之国际娱乐的签约艺人。黄曼出道至今也出演了不少角色,像是《跟我回家》中的刘慧、《二婶》中的叶巧、《甜蜜的谎言》 中的文娅以及《娘亲舅大》中的姚彩玲等。






【英文介绍/For English】:

The actor who plays Deng Xiaoqi's mother

In "Youth School", Deng Xiaoqi's mother is played by Huang Man. Huang Man is an actress born in the 1980s. She was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province in 1980. She graduated from Beijing Film Academy and is now a signed artist of Star International Entertainment. Huang Man has played many roles since his debut, such as Liu Hui in "Follow Me Home", Ye Qiao in "Second Aunt", Wen Ya in "Sweet Lies" and "Uncle Mother" Yao Cailing et al.

Huang Man's drama is also very wide, whether it is family drama, war drama or fashion drama, Huang Man can grasp every role well. Huang Man's other works include "Mule and Gold", "Customized Happiness" and so on. In 2016, Huang Man also won the 19th Huading Award for China's top 100 TV dramas and national audience's favorite film and television star.

Huang Man plays Deng Xiaoqi's mother Deng Xinhua in "Youth School". Deng Xinhua is a single mother. Because of her youth and ignorance, she gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock, and the child's father is unknown.

However, Deng Xinhua worked really hard to support her daughter. In the eyes of outsiders, she is a woman who can speak well and has an eye for money, but to Deng Xiaoqi, she is her mother. Although the mother and daughter also have some problems, in the end Deng Xiaoqi still I forgave my mother, and also understood my mother's difficulties.

who likes miu miu

In "Youth School", the person who likes Lin Miaomiao is Qian Sanyi. From Jiang Tianhao's words in the ending, we can know that he is also interested in Lin Miaomiao. Therefore, both Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao liked Lin Miaomiao, but Lin Miaomiao hadn't had a relationship yet, so Lin Miaomiao didn't break the relationship with any of them.