本篇文章给大家谈谈《做自己的光》 蒋俊豪的结局是什么,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。

做自己的光》 蒋俊豪被欧凯歌骗走了钱,为了谋生,他只能转行做美食直播,然后在讨债的路上认识了何欢,并慢慢了解何欢爱上何欢,最终,蒋俊豪既事业有成,爱情亦圆满,重新开设了餐厅,并每天通过直播展示自己的生活。


【英文介绍/For English】:

"Be Your Own Light" Jiang Junhao was cheated of money by Ou Kaige. In order to make a living, he had to switch to a food live broadcast. Then he met He Huan on the road of debt collection, and gradually understood He Huan and fell in love with He Huan. In the end, Jiang Junhao With a successful career and love, he reopened the restaurant and showed his life through live broadcast every day.

He Huan and Jiang Junhao can be regarded as strangers, one is a debtor and the other is a creditor. Because of Ou Kaige's escape, the two started living together by mistake. As time goes by, the two attract each other, encourage each other, heal each other, and finally come to the end of all hardships and usher in a happy ending. He knew that He Huan was not a weak woman who was slaughtered by others, let alone a little woman who relied on others. Therefore, Jiang Junhao has always given He Huan respect in his own way, which is why He Huan chose Jiang Junhao in the end.