






【英文介绍/For English】:

What novel is Qixiangjixiang based on?

1. "Auspicious Seven Hours" is adapted from the novel "A Temporary Impulse, Seven Worlds Are Unlucky", the author is Jiulu Feixiang.

2. This is a mythological light comedy in ancient costume starring Yang Chaoyue and Ding Yuxi, telling the entangled emotional story of the hero and heroine.

3. Chukong and Xiangyun are people from the celestial world. The two had conflicts by mistake, which caused the marriage in the three realms to be chaotic. Only after going through the seven worlds of love can they restore their status as immortals.

What is the name of the hero and heroine of the first life at seven o'clock auspicious

The first male and female protagonists of "Seven Hours of Auspiciousness" are Lu Haikong and Song Yunxiang, and Xiangyun is also called Xiao Xiangzi, cute and smart, very likable.