






在电视剧《步步惊心》中,若曦因为流产而导致身体虚弱一病不起,雍正 登基之后又做了很多让若曦伤心的事情,在心里和身体的折磨之下,若曦重病而死。死后的若曦又重新回到了现代世界中去,仿佛这一切只是做了一个很长的梦。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Shocked by every step, why did Ruoxi separate from the emperor in the end?

"Scary Step by Step" Ruoxi separated from the emperor in the end mainly because she wanted to escape from the palace, and she also knew that it was because she reminded the eighth master to be careful of the fourth master that the following things happened. It was also because of this that Ruoxi did not live happily, and eventually fell ill and could only live for a few years. So, in the end, she chose to leave fourth master and marry fourteen.

However, although Ruoxi is married to Fourteen, the person she loves in her heart is still Fourth Master. It's just that fourth master misunderstood Ruoxi in the end, and in the end he couldn't see Ruoxi for the last time. After Ruoxi was cremated, fourth master personally scattered Ruoxi's ashes into the sky on a windy day.

After Ruoxi died, Zhang Xiao finally woke up in the modern society. After waking up, she searched all kinds of information, and then knew the final outcome of the elder brothers.

However, to Zhang Xiao's surprise, there was no one named Martai Ruoxi in history. However, in the ending, Zhang Xiao met someone who was very similar to the fourth master, and the story ended abruptly here, leaving room for everyone's imagination.

Scared by every step, why did Ruoxi die?

In the TV series "Scary Step by Step", Ruoxi became weak due to a miscarriage and couldn't afford it. die. After her death, Ruoxi returned to the modern world again, as if all this was just a long dream.