很多朋友对于程潇方辟谣与梁朝伟的传闻 这个绯闻假的离谱和不太懂,今天就由小编酒温浪人°来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!






【英文介绍/For English】:

It was rumored on the Internet that Tony Leung and Cheng Xiao had an unusual relationship. Last year, the two were photographed out shopping. It was also said that Tony Leung had already bought a house for Cheng Xiao in Japan, and Cheng Xiao had given birth to him. Who doesn't think it's ridiculous? It's just nonsense. Cheng Xiao's studio refuted the rumors about Cheng Xiao and Tony Leung's scandal, calling it "absurdly fake".

Before Cheng Xiao was rumored to have an affair with Wang Yibo. The two are partners in the same company. It is normal to have contact with each other. They have also participated in programs together. No matter how you look at it, they are good friends. How did it become a scandal? So many things spread without evidence are rumors.

Cheng Xiao and Tony Leung can be father and daughter. Some netizens said that the last time two such outrageous people were linked together was Lin Daiyu and Voldemort. Anyone who heard it would think it was fake. They got involved together because there was no one else. Cheng Xiao was inexplicably labeled as a mistress, and even had an illegitimate child. This kind of rumor making is really bad and should be punished by law. The Internet is illegal.

Cheng Xiao's fans said that Cheng Xiao's schedule is very full. This year and last year there are hip-hop variety shows, and there is no time to have children. Even passers-by can't believe the scandal between her and Tony Leung. They feel that Cheng Xiao and Tony Leung are so pitiful that they have been rumored for no reason. , Tony Leung has debuted for so many years, everyone should be very clear about his character, since he was with Carina Lau, there is no lace news, the couple are very loving.

Tony Leung has been acting conscientiously. He is famous but very low-key. His relationship and career will not be stained. Moreover, Tony Leung and Cheng Xiao have no connection at all. Although they are both in the entertainment circle, they are different in the small circle. The three views of Cheng Xiao and Tony Leung It is still worthy of trust. It is impossible for such a moral violation to happen. I hope that those who spread rumors can come out and apologize. They can’t just pat their butts and leave after pouring dirty water on others. After that, anyone can spread rumors.