

在电视剧《谁都渴望遇见你》中,罗溪和张泯在一起了。罗溪是一个非常善良的女孩子,而且她还是树语者,也是因为罗溪的存在,张泯才不会那么痛苦,正是有了罗溪的陪伴,张泯才度过了最艰难的日子, 两个人最后也是有了好的结局。






【英文介绍/For English】:

Everyone is eager to meet you. Who is Luo Xi with?

In the TV series "Everyone Wants to Meet You", Luo Xi and Zhang Huan are together. Luo Xi is a very kind girl, and she is also a tree whisperer. It is also because of Luo Xi's existence that Zhang Huan will not be so painful. It is with Luo Xi's company that Zhang Huan passed the most difficult days. Finally, there was a good ending.

In the play, Zhang Huan is the general manager of a five-star hotel and the heir of the group. Because he is burdened with the secrets of his life experience, coupled with work reasons, he has actually been living an unhappy life. Later, when he met the sunny and cheerful Luo Xi, Zhang Huan also learned to let go, and wanted to live the life he wanted.

The relationship between Luo Xi and Zhang Huan belongs to the type of long-term love. The days when the two of them are together are really happy. However, there are emotional obstacles between the two, because Zhang Huan and Liu Wenna have a marriage contract, and Luo Xi is secretly in love with Tao Lun. However, Tao Lun and Liu Wenna got together later, and Luo Xi and Zhang Huan also had lovers. Get married.

Luo Xi is a very dedicated girl. After she identified Zhang Huan, she has been with Zhang Huan all the time. It is foreseeable that the two will have a good result in the end.

Everyone is eager to meet you. What is Tao Lun's real life experience?

In the TV series "Everyone Wants to Meet You", Tao Lun's real life experience is exposed. It turns out that Tao Lun is the real Xiao Min, and Xiao Min's biological parents are Zhang Jingzhong and Wu Tianhua. In the ending, Wu Tianhua is still unconscious, but With Tao Lun guarding her by her side, I believe their family will be reunited sooner or later.