最近有很多热心网友都十分关心你好星期六成毅蔡文静是第几期 成毅无意识的反应好搞笑这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「爱是痛」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。







【英文介绍/For English】:

Cheng Yi and Cai Wenjing had recorded "Hello, Saturday" before. The two collaborated on "Bottom Line". Charge him with the phone bill first, otherwise the other party won't connect, it's really weird.

Cheng Yi and Cai Wenjing came to the episode broadcast on 20220924. Besides them, the flying guests in this episode also include Yang Di, Lin Feng, Wu Zhuoxi and Tan Jianci. Through this episode, everyone learned about a very real life of Cheng Yi. Yi, he is in a completely different state from that in the play.

A total of three groups of guests were invited for this issue. They are all "groups". Cheng Yi and Cai Wenjing are the leading actors in the TV series "Bottom Line". Cai Wenjing's heart is pierced, Cai Wenjing is also powerless.

In the part of your description and my guess, the two words Cheng Yi got were "the blind date was stung by a bee and turned into a sausage mouth" and "Ultraman". Cheng Yi answered "couple", and then Cai Wenjing said "what steps do they go through before becoming a couple", Cheng Yi answered "friend", He Jiong reminded him that it was a verb, and Cheng Yi said a park.

Cai Wenjing was very anxious, and asked Cheng Yi, "What is the buzzing wing in the park? It's the same color as your clothes, and it has a pair of wings." Cheng Yi actually said it was a scalper, and Cai Wenjing said it was a bug. Finally, Cheng Yi finally guessed. By the way, the bees, after a few back and forth, Cheng Yi said, "The fan stung the mouth of the sausage, and my mouth puffed, it was very difficult."

After Cheng Yi's answer made people laugh and cry, He Jiong also wanted him to stay permanently and play this game exclusively. Cheng Yi is unconsciously funny. His language and behavior seem normal to him, but others will be very funny after watching it. Cheng Yi has starred in the two popular dramas "Liu Li" and "Lotus House" successively, and his popularity has skyrocketed. He is now a first-line actor, and he will bring more and better works to everyone in the future.