
1、snh48刘洁出生于1995年8月1日,她是SNH48十期生,也是SNH48 Team NII成员。


3、SNH48 Team NII除了刘洁,还有柏欣妤、陈倩楠、韩家乐和胡晓慧,不过刘洁在团体里年龄最大。

【英文介绍/For English】:

1. snh48 Liu Jie was born on August 1, 1995. She is a member of SNH48's tenth generation and a member of SNH48 Team NII.

2. Liu Jie joined SNH48 on September 9, 2018. She is 167cm tall. Her representative work is "Bottom of Heart", so she is quite powerful.

3. In addition to Liu Jie, SNH48 Team NII also includes Bai Xinyu, Chen Qiannan, Han Jiale and Hu Xiaohui, but Liu Jie is the oldest in the group.