






【英文介绍/For English】:

What is the difference between Ximen Changhai and Ximen Changzai in Legend of Quedaomen?

1. The difference between Ximen Changhai and Ximen Changzai in "The Legend of Magpie Sword" is their different personalities. Ximen Changhai is heroic and bold, while Ximen Changzai is timid and cowardly.

2. The two brothers look exactly the same, but you can't tell them apart by looking at their appearance. Only after getting along can you tell who is the older brother and who is the younger brother.

3. Ximen Changhai is a hero of the generation who values ​​love and justice and has extraordinary skills. His brother Ximen Changzai is weak and fearful, and is a street cook.

What is the identity of Ximen Changhai in the Legend of Quedaomen?

"The Legend of Magpie Sword Clan" Ximen Changhai's apparent identity is the leader of Magpie Sword Clan, but his true identity is a member of a secret anti-Japanese organization.