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【英文介绍/For English】:

The beginning of "Young Song Xing" is the rebellion case of King Langya. The prince Xiao Chuhe explained it clearly for King Langya, but was demoted to a commoner by Emperor Mingde and changed his name to Xiao Se. Everyone must be curious about the truth of King Langya's case. What is going on?

During the reign of Emperor Mingde, when the national power of Beili was at its strongest, he had a son named Xiao Chuhe, who was talented and talented in both civil and military affairs, and was the best candidate for the crown prince. However, four years ago, Emperor Mingde's younger brother, King Langya, was suspected of He was executed for treason, and Xiao Chuhe's argument aroused Emperor Mingde's anger, so he ordered him to be exiled to Qingzhou. In this way, the prince Xiao Chuhe no longer existed, and Xiao Se, a man of the world, lived.

The name of King Langya is Xiao Ruofeng. He is a bohemian and unrestrained prince. He is not inferior to Emperor Mingde in terms of literary and martial arts, and King Langya is even more popular. It's a pity that he doesn't love power and the throne, and he doesn't inherit the rule.

The relationship between King Langya and Emperor Mingde has always been very good. At that time, they were still princes. King Langya wanted Emperor Mingde to be emperor, so he tore up the scroll of succession. His name was clearly written on it, but was It was he who said that Emperor Chengxian passed the throne to Emperor Mingde.

After Emperor Mingde succeeded to the throne, there were rumors about King Langya repenting one after another, because King Langya won the hearts of the people, and there were many friends in the Jianghu. After that, the rebellion case of King Langya occurred.

King Langya did not seek rebellion, and Emperor Mingde also believed in King Langya's character. In order to silence Youyou, they staged a scene. King Langya died, and Emperor Mingde sat on the throne safely. Some people also said that King Langya was framed for treason by Emperor Mingde. Emperor Mingde feared that King Langya would make great achievements and seize the throne again, so he acted first. In short, it is a pity that King Langya died.

King Langya is the best elder to Xiao Se. They are not like uncles and nephews, but more like father and son. It may be because Xiao Se and King Langya have too similar personalities, so Xiao Se is willing to confront Emperor Mingde for King Langya, at the expense of himself future.