今天哈哈娱乐网给各位分享的知识,其中也会对林志颖是特斯拉的代言人吗 林志颖车祸事件回顾进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!




2017年,林志颖称特斯拉Model X是最酷的玩具,两年后,他再次买了一辆特斯拉电动汽车,看得出他对特斯拉的喜爱变得越来越强烈。2020年,林志颖再次称赞特斯拉的性能和可靠性,甚至还免费为特斯拉站台,即便如此,特斯拉也没有让林志颖当代言人。


【英文介绍/For English】:

Lin Zhiying has publicly praised Tesla many times, making people think that he is the spokesperson of Tesla. In fact, the spokesperson of Tesla is not Lin Zhiying, but Tao Lin. I wonder if Lin Zhiying has another evaluation of Tesla. In fact, Lin Zhiying still likes Tesla, which is quite surprising.

Jimmy Lin drove his Tesla into a utility pole in Taoyuan on July 22 last year, and then the vehicle and the utility pole caught fire. Fortunately, he was rescued in time. Jimmy Lin was not life-threatening, but his face was fractured and his shoulder and humerus were comminuted. He has been treated for a long time, and now he has recovered. He also participated in the third season of "Overcoming Thorns". After this car accident, Lin Zhiying has a new understanding and direction of his life.

Because Lin Zhiying is an artist, everyone pays close attention to him and Tesla. Lin Zhiying has expressed his love for Tesla cars many times before. Since 2013, Lin Zhiying has publicly praised Tesla. At that time, he bought a Tesla electric car. car, and then boast about the car's performance and environmental features.

In 2017, Lin Zhiying called the Tesla Model X the coolest toy. Two years later, he bought a Tesla electric car again. It can be seen that his love for Tesla has become stronger and stronger. In 2020, Lin Zhiying once again praised Tesla's performance and reliability, and even offered Tesla a platform for free. Even so, Tesla did not let Lin Zhiying be its spokesperson.

Jimmy Lin, as a professional racing driver, spoke for many brands of cars, such as Mercedes, Audi, Lamborghini and Cadillac. During the period when Jimmy Lin was the endorser, the sales of these brands of cars were still very good. Now Jimmy Lin endorses Xiaopeng Motors, but he The love for Tesla has not diminished. Some netizens commented that "it is work for Xiaopeng, but true love for Tesla". Impossible to endorse.