


2、檀健次是男团出身,唱跳方面有一定基础,从 《追光吧哥哥》就能看出来,他的实力不一般。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Is there Tan Jianci in the third season of Riding the Thorns?

1. There is no Tan Jianci in the third season of "Riding the Thorns". He participated in "Brother Chase the Light" before. He performed very well at that time and gained many fans.

2. Tan Jianci was born in a boy group and has a certain foundation in singing and dancing. It can be seen from "Follow the Light, Brother" that his strength is extraordinary.

3. Tan Jianci has not participated in "Overcoming Thorns", at least in the first three seasons. Fans want to see him stand on the stage again.

Is the third season of Riding the Thorns recorded and broadcasted?

The third season of "Riding the Thorns" is not recorded and broadcasted one episode at a time. The speed of recording can't keep up with the speed of broadcasting. After all, after the recording, there will be post-editing.