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【英文介绍/For English】:

Xiao Shunyao's performance of Flying Flute in "Lotus House" has received a lot of praise. His rivalry with Cheng Yi is very exciting. Everyone is curious about Xiao Shunyao's information. Who is his artist? In addition to "Lotus House", he also played Have you ever had any good works? In addition, what is the relationship between Xiao Shunyao and Tan Jianci?

Xiao Shunyao was born in 1988 and graduated from Qingdao Tourism Management College. He debuted as a mic boy group and is good at dancing. It is worth mentioning that Tan Jianci was also in this group before. He and Xiao Shunyao are friends who have known each other for many years. The two also participated in "Chasing the Light!" elder brother".

Xiao Shunyao participated in the "Ma Tuan" project in 2006. At that time, his information and photos were sent to Taihe Wheatfield by a friend. Xiao Shunyao didn't know it at all. After that, he went to the interview and conducted closed training in 2007. After four years of training, Xiao Shunyao became a member of the mic men's team and officially debuted in 2010. From this point of view, Xiao Shunyao's road to debut is very difficult.

However, in 2012, Xiao Shunyao entered the entertainment industry, and now the mic no longer exists, and Tan Jianci, who is in the same group, has also become an actor. Sima Shi and Sima Zhao brothers.

Xiao Shunyao was originally a member of Qinghai Provincial Youth Football Club. He took a year off from university for two years. In 2007, he opened a clothing and audio shop with his friends, and then trained and formed a group. Xiao Shunyao is good at singing and dancing, and now he is an actor under Juniper Film and Television, and he has acted in many film and television works.

Xiao Shunyao's representative works include "The Road to Awakening", "Acquaintance with You for the First Time", "Just Like an Old Man Returning", "Long Moon Embers" and "Lotus Tower". People were very impressed, and later "Long Moon Embers" was Tantai Minglang. It was not until "Lotus Tower" that Xiao Shunyao really became popular. He has acting skills and good looks, and he will get better and better in the future.