
灼灼风流》在第20集, 面对恩师,慕灼华承认喜欢上了刘衍。


【英文介绍/For English】:

In the 20th episode of "Scorching Merry", facing his mentor, Mu Zhuohua admitted that he fell in love with Liu Yan.

Teacher Shang asked Mu Zhuohua if he really liked Liu Yan, and Mu Zhuohua admitted but she couldn't like Liu Yan. Because she has been bumpy and bumpy along the way, and she has endured a lot of hardships to come here. She was very afraid that all this would be in vain because she fell in love with King Ding. Teacher Shang told her that if a woman loves someone, she must abandon herself. This is the fault of the world, not her fault. Mu Zhuohua is clear in her heart, but she can't change the status quo, she should bury her feelings for Liu Yan in her heart. Before Mu Zhuohua left, he told Mr. Shang that if he was unhappy, he would go to Dingjing to find her, and she would definitely honor him. Teacher Shang told her that being an official is honoring him.