据哈哈娱乐网网站「执念太深°」消息,近日,流水落花电影简介剧情 主要讲的什么故事引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Falling Water" stars Sammi Cheng and Luk Junguang and is scheduled to be released nationwide on September 15. It has a novel theme and rich plot, and the story revolves around the protagonist's growth experience.

This film is based on a rare foster family in Hong Kong, China, and tells the story of the interdependence between foster parents and foster children. It conveys a happy and harmonious family atmosphere, and even foster children can feel the precious family affection.

A group of children who were separated from their original families were fostered in the home of Aunt Tianmei and Uncle Bin. Tianmei felt the happiness of being a mother in the process of taking care of the children, and they established a deep relationship. Judging from the poster, the family portrait is very warm. A Ming is a foster boy. He is nestled in the arms of Aunt Tianmei. The two are as close as a mother and son.

Uncle Bin looked at Tianmei and Amin with a very quiet expression, for fear of disturbing them. At the same time, he could also feel a sense of security from Uncle Bin's approval. He was guarding Tianmei and Amin and was an indispensable support for the family. In fact, Uncle Bin and Aunt Tianmei once had a child, and then experienced the pain of losing their child. Their lives changed dramatically. Amin's arrival gave them new hope.

Tianmei takes care of Amin as her own child. In the past thirteen years, many children have been fostered in Tianmei's house. They come and go. No matter who is fostered here, Tianmei will always take good care of them and devote all her energy to her. She is a good mother, but it is a pity that she has no children of her own.

This movie is very warm, every subtle expression can directly hit the depths of people's emotions, family affection is the most touching. The acting skills of an actor are very important. A good actor can mobilize emotions, infect the audience without leaving a trace, and make the plot in the movie realistic. Tianmei, played by Sammi Cheng, is a mother with a glorious motherhood. After experiencing the pain of bereavement, It was difficult for Tianmei to get out for a while, but later the foster child cured her, and the final ending was also warm.