

玩具总动员英文 Toy Story




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Toy Story 3 is an animated film produced by Pixar.

And a 3D computer-animated film released by Walt Disney in 2010.

Directed by Lee Unkrich and written by Michael Amt, Tom Hanks and Tim Allen star.

The film was released in the United States on June 18, 2010.

释义:《玩具总动员3》(Toy Story 3)是一部由皮克斯动画制作。







Toy Story is about the 'secret life of toys' when people are not around. When Buzz Lightyear, a space-ranger, takes Woody's place as Andy's favorite toy, Woody doesn't like the situation and gets into a fight with Buzz. Accidentaly Buzz falls out the window and Woody is accused by all the other toys of having killed him. He has to go out of the house to look for him so that they can both return to Andys room. But while on the outside they get into all kind of trouble while trying to get home.

In "Toy Story 2," the fun and adventure continues when Andy goes off to summer camp and the toys are left to their own devices. Things shift into high gear when an obsessive toy collector kidnaps Woody who unbeknownst to himself is a highly valued collectable. It's now up to Buzz Lightyear and the gang from Andy's room - Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog, Rex and Hamm - to spring into action and save their pal from winding up as a museum piece. There's plenty of excitement and fun as the toys get into one predicament after another in their daring race to get home before Andy does.



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1L9h4PM_KMcXwYs1TPVaNoQ

资源名称:玩具总动员 Toy Story 1 - 4(1KB)

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汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks .....Woody (voice)
蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen .....Buzz Lightyear (voice)
Don Rickles .....Mr. Potato Head (voice)
Jim Varney .....Slinky Dog (voice)
华莱士·肖恩 Wallace Shawn .....Rex (voice)
John Ratzenberger .....Hamm (voice)
Annie Potts .....Bo Peep (voice)
John Morris .....Andy (voice)
Erik von Detten .....Sid (voice)
Laurie Metcalf .....Andy's Mom (voice)
R·李·艾尔米 R. Lee Ermey .....Sergeant (voice)
Sarah Freeman .....Hannah (voice)
佩恩·吉列特 Penn Jillette .....TV Announcer (voice)
Jack Angel .....Additional Voice (voice)
Spencer Aste .....Additional Voice (voice)
Greg Berg .....Additional Voice (voice)
Lisa Bradley .....Additional Voice (voice)
Kendall Cunningham .....Additional Voice (voice)
Debi Derryberry .....Additional Voice (voice)
Cody Dorkin .....Additional Voice (voice)
Bill Farmer .....Additional Voice (voice)
Craig Good .....Additional Voice (voice)
Gregory Grudt .....Additional Voice (voice)
Danielle Judovits .....Additional Voice (voice)
Sam Lasseter .....Additional Voice (voice)
Brittany Levenbrown .....Additional Voice (voice)
Sherry Lynn .....Additional Voice (voice)
Scott McAfee .....Additional Voice (voice)
Mickie McGowan .....Additional Voice (voice)
Ryan O'Donohue .....Additional Voice (voice)
Jeff Pidgeon .....Additional Voice (voice)
Patrick Pinney .....Additional Voice (voice)
Philip Proctor .....Additional Voice (voice)
Jan Rabson .....Additional Voice (voice)
乔·兰福特 Joe Ranft .....Additional Voice (voice)
安德鲁·斯坦顿 Andrew Stanton .....Additional Voice (voice)
Shane Sweet .....Additional Voice (voice)


  All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Don't anybody move! 大家注意 这是抢劫 通通都不准动
Now, empty that safe!掏空保险箱
Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money!钱钱钱
Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato! 住手 住手 可恶的蛋头
Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over!闭嘴宝贝 否则你的羊会遭殃
Help! Baa! Help us! 救命 救命啊
Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something!别伤害我的羊 谁来帮帮忙啊
Reach for the sky! 飞向天空
Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!不 是胡迪警长
I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.我是来阻止你的 独眼蛋头
Doh! How'd you know it was me?你怎么知道是我啊
Are you gonna come quietly?快跟我走吧
You can't touch me, Sheriff!你休想 警长
I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field我带了我那只 凶狠的斗犬来了
Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs. 我带了我的恐龙 它专门吃凶狠的斗犬
Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe! -呀
You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots. 你要去坐牢了 蛋头 跟你老婆小孩说再见吧
You saved the day again, Woody你又拯救了危机 胡迪
You're my favorite deputy. 你是我最喜欢的副警长
You've got a friend in me片名:玩具总动员 "我是你好朋友"
You've got a friend in me你什么也别愁"
Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle.来 我们来抓牛
When the road looks rough ahead道路坎坷困难多"
And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed要十万八千里才到家门口"
Just remember what your old pal said牛仔 把他们围起来 "你只要想起我在你左右"
Boy, you've got a friend in me "我是你好朋友"
-Yee-haw! - Yeah, you've got a friend in me "哦对 我是你好朋友"

Hey, cowboy!嗨 牛仔
"有些人比我能干比我强"Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am
"身体健壮走起路雄赳赳" Big and stronger too
来吧 胡迪-Come on, Woody. Maybe
"也许没有人 能像我这样爱护你" But none of them will ever love you the way I do
"对你是毫无保留" It's me and you, boy
"多少的岁月中" And as the years go by -Whoa!
"我们的友谊更加深厚" -Whoa! - Our friendship will never die
"你会看到"-Whoo! You're gonna see
"我们的命运紧相连 It's our destiny
"我是你好朋友" -好耶- You've got a friend in me -All right
"哦对 我是你好朋友" -得分- Yeah, you've got a friend in me -Score!
"我是你好朋友" -酷\- You got a friend in me -Wow! Cool!
-你喜欢吗 -妈咪 真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!
-喜欢就好 小寿星 -就跟我在店里看到的一样-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!
好棒 好棒... 希望能摆得下\-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so...
一二三四 -One, two. Four.
好 这样就可以了Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got...
可以留到搬家吗\-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!
-去抱茉莉 你的朋友马上就要来了-Your friends are gonna be here any minute.
-好 派对要开始了-Okay. It's party time, Woody.
-好耶 “编剧:乔斯维登 安德鲁使丹顿等人”-Yee...haw!
,你好 小姐Howdy, little lady
,有人在水源区下了毒 Somebody's poisoned the water hole.
来 茉莉 你好重哦 -Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.
再见了 胡迪 "导演:约翰拉赛特" -See you later, Woody.
,我的天哪 今天要开生日派对 Pull my string! The birthday party's today?
,好了 各位 已经安全了 Okay, everybody, coast is clear!
我盒子上写得很清楚 适合三岁以上 -Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.
怎么叫我当 口水公主的临时保姆呢 Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.
嘿 火腿 -Hey, Hamm.
-你看 我是毕加索 -我听不懂 -Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.
没有文化的肥猪 看什么看啊 你这个大扁脸 You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?
-队长 看到弹簧狗没有 -报告长官 没有-Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!
好了 谢了 稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.
我在这儿 胡迪 这次我要红的Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.
-不行 弹簧狗... -No. S-Slink.
-好吧 那红的让给你好了 -Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.
-等一下 弹簧狗 我有一些坏消息 -坏消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?
去叫大家集合来开干部会议了 知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.
开心点呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!
各位 干部会议了 长蛇、机器人准备讲台-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.
还有画板 拔枪Hey, Etch. Draw!
-你又赢了-Oh! Got me again.
画板 你拔枪练得不错嘛 西部最快的神枪手Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.
大伙儿要开干部会议了 快点 快点Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.
我的那个呢Now, where is that... Oh.
谁把我涂鸦板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?
-抱抱龙 你干嘛 -吓到没有? 要说实话-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.
这一次 我差一点就被你吓死I was close to being scared that time.
我一直想可怕一点 但是我老是没有灵感I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.
我只是一个惹人厌的家伙I think I'm just coming off as annoying.



《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)
英文名称:Toy Story
电影导演:约翰·雷斯特 John Lasseter
电影演员:姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks
李·艾尔米 R. Lee Ermey
蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen Annie Potts
约翰·雷森博格 John Ratzenberger
华莱士·肖恩 Wallace Shawn
吉姆·瓦利 Jim Varney
安德鲁·斯坦顿 Andrew Stanton

英文名称:Toy Story

导 演: 约翰·雷斯特 John Lasseter
主演: 汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 李·艾尔米 R. Lee Ermey 蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen Annie Potts 约翰·雷森博格 John Ratzenberger 华莱士·肖恩 Wallace Shawn 吉姆·瓦利 Jim Varney 安德鲁·斯坦顿 Andrew Stanton
上 映: 1995年11月22日 ( 美国 )
地 区: 美国
对 白: 英语 西班牙语
评 分: 7.9/10( 39560票 )
颜 色: 彩色
时 长: 81 分钟
类 型: 喜剧 动画 家庭 奇幻
分 级: 阿根廷:Atp 西班牙:T 芬兰:S 英国:PG 美国:G 德国:0 智利:TE 法国:U


玩具总动员2(Toy Story 2)

迪斯尼影片公司(Disney, USA)1999年出品

主 演:配音:
汤姆-汉克斯( Tom Hanks)--伍迪
提姆-艾伦(Tim Allen)--巴斯光年
唐-里奇斯(Don Rickies)--土豆先生

导 演:约翰-拉萨特(John Lasseter)

类 型:动画片



继《淘气小精灵》(Pokemon)之后,又一部动画片登上了全美票房冠军的宝座,那就是万众期待的《玩具总动员2》,在《玩具总动员》第一集的强势卖座下,第二集号称以更细致,更流畅的技术来处理动画明星的种种动作和表情,再加上迪士尼强力的宣传手法,难怪同期上映的两部大片:施瓦辛格的《魔鬼末日》和 007第19集《末日危机》也阻止不了《玩具总动员2》的登顶势头,那就怪不得有人说今年的影坛是动画片的天下了。



I don't recall playtime being quite that strenuous.

2、你不过是个配件! 你就是个长着腿的女式钱包!

Youre an accessory! Youre a purse with legs!

3、她从没爱过我! - 跟任何孩子一样都爱过玩具。

She never loved me! - As much as any kid ever loved a toy.

4、你个打领带的八卦狂! 你就不算个玩具!

You ascot-wearing pink nosier! Youre not a toy!

5、几分钟后 那个铃会响起 接着你们梦寐以求的玩耍时间就到来了。

In a few minutes, that bells gonna ring and youll get the playtime that youve been dreaming of.


Woody once risked his life to save mine, and I couldn't call myself his friend if I wasn't willing to do the same.


A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.

8、幼儿园是一个悲伤 寂寞的地方 专门收留没人要的废弃旧玩具。

Daycare is a sad, lonely place for washed up old toys who have no owners.

9、只要你从底层做起 任劳任怨 这里的生活总有一天会梦想成真的。

If you start at the bottom, pay your dues, life here can be a dream come true.

10、都是劳叟 他把我们大家弄进金字塔 而他把自己放在最顶端。

Its Lotso. Hes made us into a pyramid, and he put himself on top.

11、我想和你在一起 肯 我真的想和你一起住在你的梦之屋里。

I want to be with you Ken, I do, in your Dream House.


A good soldider never leaves a man behind.


This is Rex, the meanest, most terrifying dinosaur who ever lived.

14、你的王国已经被打败了 我是不会为你令人着迷的美貌所蛊惑的。

Your emperor is defeated and Im immune to your bewitching good looks.


I dont recall playtime being quite that strenuous.

16、很高兴我接住了火车 - 现在让我们去抓些罪犯吧。

Glad I can catch the train. - Now lets catch some criminals.

17、咦嚎! 你救了我们 牛仔 ! 你是我们的英雄!

Yee haw! You saved us, Cowboy! Youre our hero!


Sunnyside can be cool and groovy if we treated each other fair.

19、她是杰茜 是整个西部最粗暴最强悍的女牛仔。

This is Jessie. The roughest, toughest cowgirl in the whole west.


To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the whole world...


As more and more people leave you,the more and more important those who remain become.


Being there for a child is the most noble thing a toy can do.


Be who you are right now.


Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.


I’m a strong person, but every now and then I also need someone to take my hand and say everything will be okay.


If you sit on a shelf for the rest of your life, you’ll never find out.


The important thing is that we stick together.


To infinity and beyond!


If you start at the bottom, pay your dues, life here can be a dream come true.

30、你个打领带的八卦狂! 你就不算个玩具!

You ascot-wearing pink nosier! You're not a toy!

玩具总动员3英文介绍,原版英文介绍 !!~~~~

◎中文名 玩具总动员3
◎英文名 Toy Story 3
◎国 家 美国
◎类 别 动画,家庭,喜剧,冒险
◎语 言 英语
◎片 长 103 min
◎导 演 Diretor: 李·安魁克 Lee Unkrich

◎主 演 Actor:
汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks ....Woody (voice)
迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton ....Ken (voice)
蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen ....Buzz Lightyear (voice)
琼·库萨克 Joan Cusack ....Jessie - the Yodeling Cowgirl (voice)
唐·里克斯 Don Rickles ....Mr. Potato Head (voice) 约翰·拉岑贝格 John Ratzenberger ....Hamm the Piggy Bank (voice)
华莱士·肖恩 Wallace Shawn ....Rex the Green Dinosaur (voice)
裘蒂·班森 Jodi Benson ....Barbie (voice)
约翰·莫里斯 John Morris ....Andy (voice)


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1s0oLz-sIH_EL97hLxcqcbw

资源名称:玩具总动员 Toy Story 1995.rmvb(698.19M)

?pwd=1jcf 提取码: 1jcf
导演: 约翰·拉塞特
编剧: 约翰·拉塞特、彼特·道格特、安德鲁·斯坦顿、乔·兰福特、乔斯·韦登、乔尔·科恩、亚历克·索科洛
主演: 汤姆·汉克斯、蒂姆·艾伦、唐·里克斯、吉姆·法尼、华莱士·肖恩、约翰·拉岑贝格、安妮·波茨、约翰·莫里斯、伊瑞克·冯·迪滕、劳里·梅特卡夫、李·厄米、佩恩·吉列特、杰克·安杰尔、黛比·德里贝里、比尔·法玛尔、雪莉·琳恩、斯科特·麦克菲、米凯·麦高万、杰夫·皮金、菲尔·普洛克特、扬·拉布森、乔·兰福特、安德鲁·斯坦顿、内森·连恩、约翰·拉塞特、卢卡·佩洛斯、埃林·萨贝拉
类型: 喜剧、动画、家庭
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1995-11-22(美国)
片长: 81分钟
又名: 反斗奇兵(港)、玩具的故事