很多朋友对于猎罪图鉴2官宣檀健次金世佳 原班人马出演且没加女主和不太懂,今天就由小编转身以后来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

The official announcement of "Crime Hunters 2" is that the two protagonists will still be Shi Tan Kenci and Jin Shijia. The poster has been released, and the showrunners have stated that there will be no new female protagonist. I believe many viewers are very satisfied with this arrangement.

Shen Yi, played by Tan Jianci, is the soul of "The Illustrated Book of Sin Hunting". No one can do without him. People who have watched the first "Illustrated Book of Sin Hunting" must have become fans of Tan Jianci. His acting skills are very good. , the interaction with Jin Shijia is very interesting, and the two have CP fans. Because of this, everyone does not want to change the characters, let alone add a female lead. Now that the show has announced the strong return of Tan Jianci and Jin Shijia, there is no need to worry .

"Crime Hunter" is a unit detective drama that tells the story of mock portrait artist Shen Yi and criminal police captain Du Cheng working together to solve many bizarre and mysterious cases. The first part was broadcast on March 6, 2022. After the completion, the audience strongly requested It has been officially announced that the second season will be filmed. The starring actors in the second season will still be Tan Kenci and Jin Shijia.

The first season of "Crime Hunter's Guide" has a total of twenty episodes. The finale left people unsatisfied, so there was a second season. Audiences who have watched the first season should have a deep impression of the cases in it. Shen Yi will relate the cases The appearance of the personnel was drawn, and Du Cheng looked for clues. The two joined forces to find the truth and punish the murderer.

The drama "Crime Hunters" touches on many topics that need attention in society, such as campus bullying, AI face-changing, and appearance anxiety. In short, the values ​​conveyed are worth pondering. This is not a traditional crime-solving drama, but it adds things that everyone is interested in and touches the psychological pain points of many viewers. The most important thing is that it integrates artistic aesthetics on the basis of criminal investigation dramas. Shen Yi presents the truth through his brushes In front of everyone, in short, "Crime Hunting Guide" has been highly recognized by the audience.

"Crime Hunters" was highly discussed during the broadcast and won many awards. Everyone is urging for the second season. If you guessed it correctly, the second season should be broadcast soon. The protagonist has not been changed and it is still the same as before. Original flavor.