

电影《古董局中局》是根据马伯庸同名小说改编而成,是一部悬疑冒险电影。主要讲述了“五脉”传人许愿为了查清日本归还的唐代武则天明堂佛头的真相,和各派势力进行博弈,在各样的人物之间进行周旋,最后经过一系列冒险破解古董真假的真相。电影是由品雷佳音 、李现、辛芷蕾领衔主演,葛优特别主演,即将上映,让我们一起期待吧!

【英文介绍/For English】:

It is tentatively scheduled to be released on December 3.

The movie "Antique Bureau Middle Game" is adapted from Ma Boyong's novel of the same name, and it is a suspenseful adventure movie. It mainly tells the story of the successor of "Five Meridians" making a wish in order to find out the truth about the Buddha head of Empress Wu Zetian Mingtang in Tang Dynasty returned by Japan, playing games with various factions, dealing with various characters, and finally deciphering the authenticity of antiques through a series of adventures the truth. The movie is starring Pinlei Jiayin, Li Xian, Xin Zhilei, and Ge You in particular. It will be released soon, let us look forward to it together!