

在近期播出的《哈哈哈哈哈》中,嘉宾们需要进行猜诗选早饭的游戏,游戏中,邓超刚比划了 一个动作,彭昱畅就立马猜出他表演的是什么,而且还连续猜对三次,这速度让旁边的陈赫、郭京飞、王勉都傻了,网友看到这一幕也不得不感叹:彭彭这记忆力的确不错,简直就是“猜诗小能手”,这是“语文课代表”实锤了吧。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Little expert in guessing poems.

In the recently aired "Hahahahaha", the guests needed to play a game of guessing the breakfast of poetry selection. For three times, this speed stunned Chen He, Guo Jingfei, and Wang Mian next to him. Netizens couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene: Peng Peng's memory is really good. "Representative" is a real hammer.

"Hahahahaha" is an outdoor travel reality show that travels from east to west across China with a tour group formed by Deng Chao, Chen He and others.

The show has already been aired on iQiyi and Tencent Video, go check it out.