最近有很多热心网友都十分关心虎鹤妖师录祁晓轩是妖吗 祁晓轩真实身份大揭秘这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「雪蝶宿秋风」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。







【英文介绍/For English】:

"Tiger and Crane Demon Master" is adapted from a comic book. Qi Xiaoxuan is one of the male protagonists and the "crane" in the title of the play. Is he a demon? Comic introduction: Qi Xiaoxuan is the captain of the seventh team of the National Demon Control Master and the eldest son of the Qimen Sect. His magic weapon is the "Big Master". Is this Qi Xiaoxuan's true identity?

Qi Xiaoxuan is handsome, kind-hearted, humble and courteous, and powerful. He obeys the arrangement and transports the red pearl to the imperial capital. However, he meets Hu Zi on the way, and the tiger devours the red pearl directly. In this way, their fates are tightly tied together. , the two embarked on a difficult journey.

Qi Xiaoxuan is strong yet soft, has a great sense of justice, is mature and steady, has no scheming, and will handle everything he encounters. Qi Xiaoxuan is the eldest son of Qimen Sect, one of the eight great demon master families in Fulong Kingdom. He became a genius in everyone's eyes at the age of twelve. He grew up under the strict education of his father. He is educated and knowledgeable, and he is completely different from Hu Zi. People with completely different personalities.

Qi Xiaoxuan is not a demon. He is a demon master and the heir of the Qimen Sect. He has two personalities in his body, one is honest and kind, and the other is straightforward and aggressive. They look the same, just like twin brothers. People of the Qimen Sect are born with twin souls, with good thoughts and evil thoughts. The two suppress each other, but Qi Xiaoxuan's good thoughts always suppress the evil thoughts, and the evil thoughts are hidden deep in his soul.

Qi Xiaoxuan always thought that he was one personality, because he had forgotten the other side that was sealed. Qi Xiaoxuan's evil thoughts would appear later. As long as the evil thoughts did not completely disappear, Qi Xiaoxuan would be tortured by two personalities. This is why Qi Xiaoxuan is afraid of himself.

The life experiences of Qi Xiaoxuan and Hu Zi are not simple. Hu Zi is the child of the nine-tailed tiger demon. He and Qi Xiaoxuan were supposed to be on opposite sides, but the two became friends and fought side by side. They believed that after the evil thoughts hidden in Qi Xiaoxuan's body appeared, Hu Zi Hu Zi can help him suppress it. In Qi Xiaoxuan's view, Hu Zi is his salvation, and the outcome of the two of them should not be too bad.